Two years ago I was blessed to meet and photograph Owen for his first birthday. Yesterday I met and photographed his little sister, Sarah, for her first birthday! :) It is always so much fun to capture these moments that seem to slip right by. Turning one is such a special time and so many changes come in the next year. I'm so thankful that The Patterson Family trusted me to capture some of these memories for them yesterday! :)
Enter in thy good & faithful servant.
My mind has been flooded with thoughts lately. Especially about death...morbid, I know. I find myself wishing I had a pensieve, you know, like Dumbledore has in the Harry Potter series (if you haven't read the books, he is able to "syphon" off his excess thoughts, put them in his handy dandy pensieve and watch them in chronological order as he wishes.). I have seen a lot of death in the past 9 years. Some of these were ones who we would say "weren't ready", what I mean is that they weren't old; they were in the middle of living. Some of these deaths were people who you would consider "ready", they had lived long full lives. 9 years ago we lost a friend & sister in Christ to domestic violence, her husband killed her. She was just a couple years older than me & she was taken from her 2 precious children. 6 years ago, my 1st cousin was killed in a one car accident, he left behind his wife & 2 precious child...